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British Pilot Could Not Start F-35 ... If Username & Password Is Not Entered Correctly, F-35 Stops Engine!

USA monitors all kinds of flight and post-flight information of the F-35 with ALIS / ODIN Cloud / Network based software and collects and analyzes this data in the BIGDATA database. In addition, when contacting the F-35 via the Cloud, it makes the updates it wants. In the meantime, including changing the F-35's Username & Password (Username & Password) and making the plane unable to fly whenever it wants .... Now, if TSK buys the F-35, who can use it against? The answer is against countries that are enemies of the US, such as Russia and Iran. So US will block F-35's Username & Password if TSK intends to use it against some other forces? Answer is YES: Israel, Greece, Greek Cyprus, Armenia, France and even the YPG / PKK, which he calls my land power ..... It is completely a dream to buy t efense Needs. The only solution is to produce our own National Combatant Fighter Aircraft TF-23.


TF-23 Turkish Eagle

TF-23 Turkish Eagle


#TF -23

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